Transformational Coaching with Lucid Mind is not a motivational journey to keep you in loop but a 360* makeover of YOU and your personality. Our coaching network is conceptualised in a structured timeline providing you a step by step guide to deliver result-oriented outcomes.
We help you define your inner values in such a way to be able to create your success blueprint through our discovery techniques. So whether you are wanting to lose weight, grow in business, wanting to seek satisfaction in life, wanting to help people or anything you are struggling with; our coaching formula can stop your search for anything outside but yourself. Our expert coach capsule will make you introspect and unleash the path you have only been wondering about. Our coaching envisions to bring a sense of clarity through certain human coding concoctions.
The first ever accountability system making you responsible for each target you set for yourself each month, every week, all days.
A coach by your side can help you identify and get past roadblocks that keep you from achieving your own capabilities. Your expert coach can help you get back on track for you to begin living the life of your dreams.