Acquire the Habit of Reading

Acquire the Habit of Reading

Learning and acquiring knowledge never really stop, even after we graduate from a university or land the job that we have always wanted. Learning as a process is something ongoing in our lives. In fact, unlearning something also requires us to learn how to unlearn. Strange but true.

Here, I want to discuss something around a concept that sounds fascinating, but we find it hard to build on. Research shows that the lifestyle of the most successful people revolve around the enticing idea of making time to learn something or the other. When I reflect on the word ‘making;’ that rings a bell. They consistently find time to read, dive deeper into studying and understanding material well-above what is taught in the academic institutions. As no surprise, they become outstanding thinkers, creators and even leaders.

Am I saying that reading and learning is the only factor involved in the success we envision. No. However, it certainly adds to one’s creative bent, envisages an individual’s cognitive bandwidth and also carves out a path for perspective building. And yes, all this with reading and “learning to read” in order to expand the very same spirit of success and growth.

Well, reading might not allure a lot of people just in an instance. Thereby, I have jotted some ways in which you can fit reading and make it a part of your practice, routine, add it to your hobby list quite effortlessly. And remember to become effortless in something, we still need to put in an effort until it starts to run smooth within our functioning.


  • Set An Intention:

Reading is so much about exploring and getting to know new things. It can be fun when we know what we want out of it. Select a genre, and find the book that fits your understanding. Although the idea of “intention setting” may seem woo-woo or like something one would do at the start of a yoga session, gym training session, business coaching session etc. It is pretty much fundamental for everyone with goals. Intention becomes the first and most important step in accomplishing objectives as one grows and commits to them.


  • Find Your Right Fit:

Discovering quality books can be incredibly difficult. Due to the abundance of books accessible at first, you may end up getting a decision fatigue. Your energy may get drained before you even begin reading. To ease that very process, you can search for a curated list produced by industry experts you look up to and save time on selecting books. You may also ask individuals you respect about what they read, google “favourite books” of successful people you follow, or just pursue your own interests, which may also involve some experimenting.


  • Reading as a Morning Routine:

Read in the morning, even if that means waking up a bit earlier that your usual time.  It is a good plan to devour at least 20 pages in the morning or time yourself for 30 minutes of reading each day. It is the ideal time to invest in yourself in the morning since your body and mind are both fresh enough from the goodnight’s sleep. A bedtime reading habit isn’t bad too but who knows how the day will end, how the fatigue will set in, what if the workload increases and what about some of those social responsibilities that might take up a toll.


  • Read as much as you can:

Of course, if you have more time, do not limit your reading to just 30 minutes or 20 pages each day. Read as much as you can. Starting to read every day can help you improve your vocabulary, expand your horizon of knowledge, even add to your very own decision making and problem-solving skills. Not only that, this practice of reading can sharpen your analytical skills. As a bonus, some researches also state that a healthy practice of reading can aid an individual in becoming a better writer and even add to one’s expressions. It is like an ‘aha’ to learning new things, concepts and even shaping one’s behaviour.


  • Stay on Track

After you have found the ideal book to start with and have these guidelines that I just shared above, you can build in a habit of reading and stay on track.

  • Track your reading habit daily. You can use an app for the same or simply write it down in your journal/diary.
  • Gradually, increase the no. of pages, chapters, or time as per your comfort and schedule.
  • Keep a book handy while you are on the move so you can fill in your “gap” hours; or you can call it ‘wasted’ time, if any. For instance, if you are travelling via public transport such as metro, cabs etc. In fact, the new trend of reel scrolling can be switched with picking up a book and reading a few lines.
  • Turn off the television when there is nothing of true interest to you and let the curiosity in the book set in the tone for you.

In the realm of developing a practice of reading, these modest measures outlined above can help you achieve those changes you have always aspired for. Also, bringing in a realisation that majority of our behaviours that seem to have a significant influence on our lives, while not seemingly looked at as urgent are crucial. To simplify, big things that we aim for start with small steps and these very small steps are something that we either do not notice or surpass. Last but not the least, if you find yourself indulging in acquiring the habit of reading, and now that you are familiar with some of its benefits, take all the necessary actions and consistently works towards new learning, more growth, and your eventual success in life.


Thanks for reading!

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This article is a contribution by our young psychologist Ms. Aayushi Patni who is emapenelled with Lucid Mind for over a year now. This is her first submission on our platform. We encourage such young talents to let their thoughts out.

Edits: Team Lucid Mind 

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